Parmaar Classes

Ms Word Assignment

Microsoft Word Assignment – Parmaar Classes

Microsoft Word Assignment

20 Practical Tasks

Complete the following tasks using Microsoft Word. Each task includes a detailed description along with an example to help you understand how to perform it.

  • **Create a Document:**

    Create a new document in Microsoft Word and save it with the name “Assignment.docx”.

    Example: Open Word, go to File > New, create a blank document, and save it as “Assignment.docx”.
  • **Change Font Style and Size:**

    Change the font of your document’s title to “Arial” and set the size to 20.

    Example: Highlight the title, go to the Home tab, select “Arial” from the font dropdown, and set the size to 20.
  • **Add a Heading:**

    Add a heading with the text “Assignment Tasks” using the Heading 1 style.

    Example: Type “Assignment Tasks,” highlight it, and select Heading 1 from the styles gallery on the Home tab.
  • **Insert a Table:**

    Create a table with 3 columns and 5 rows. In the first row, add column titles “Task Number,” “Task Description,” and “Status.”

    Example: Go to the Insert tab, click on Table, and insert a 3×5 table. Add the specified titles in the first row.
  • **Add Bullets:**

    Create a bulleted list of 5 tasks you frequently perform using Microsoft Word.

    Example: Select your list of tasks, then click on the Bullets icon in the Home tab.
  • **Insert an Image:**

    Insert an image from your computer and place it below your heading.

    Example: Go to the Insert tab, click Pictures, choose an image, and insert it below the heading.
  • **Apply Page Margins:**

    Change the margins of your document to “Narrow” (0.5 inches on all sides).

    Example: Go to the Layout tab, click on Margins, and choose “Narrow.”
  • **Add Page Numbers:**

    Add page numbers to the footer of your document, starting from page 2.

    Example: Go to the Insert tab, click Page Number, choose the footer option, and set it to start at page 2.
  • **Change Line Spacing:**

    Change the line spacing of your document to 1.5.

    Example: Select the text, then go to the Home tab, click on the line spacing icon, and select 1.5.
  • **Add a Footer:**

    Add a footer with the text “Confidential – Do Not Copy.”

    Example: Go to the Insert tab, click Footer, and type “Confidential – Do Not Copy.”
  • **Insert a Hyperlink:**

    Add a hyperlink to the text “Visit Parmaar Classes” that links to your website.

    Example: Highlight “Visit Parmaar Classes,” right-click, select Link, and add your website URL.
  • **Create a Header:**

    Create a header that says “Microsoft Word Assignment.”

    Example: Go to the Insert tab, click Header, and type “Microsoft Word Assignment.”
  • **Use Text Highlighting:**

    Highlight any 5 important words in your document using the yellow highlight tool.

    Example: Select the words you want to highlight, then click the Text Highlight Color button on the Home tab.
  • **Insert a Shape:**

    Insert a shape (e.g., a rectangle) and add text inside the shape.

    Example: Go to the Insert tab, click Shapes, choose a rectangle, and draw it on the page. Right-click on the shape and select “Add Text.”
  • **Use WordArt:**

    Add a WordArt title to your document that says “MS Word Skills.”

    Example: Go to the Insert tab, click WordArt, and type “MS Word Skills.”
  • **Create a Numbered List:**

    Create a numbered list of the steps for creating a new Word document.

    Example: Select your list of steps, then click on the Numbering icon in the Home tab.
  • **Insert a Chart:**

    Insert a chart showing the comparison of your daily activities (e.g., study, work, exercise).

    Example: Go to the Insert tab, click Chart, and choose a suitable chart type.
  • **Use Track Changes:**

    Enable Track Changes in the document and make some edits. Ensure that the changes are visible.

    Example: Go to the Review tab, click Track Changes, and then make some edits.
  • **Add a Table of Contents:**

    Create a Table of Contents at the start of the document. Use the headings in your document to generate the table automatically.

    Example: Go to the References tab, click Table of Contents, and select an automatic table.
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