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30 Excel practice online assignments, each now with relevant data tables. These tables serve as examples for various tasks such as sales, attendance, payroll, and more. Excel Practical Assignment Tests Excel Practical Assignment Tests 1. Basic Formulas Practice using basic arithmetic formulas such as SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, and MAX. Example: =SUM(A1:A10) 2. Sales Data Table Create a sales data table to analyze sales performance. Product Quantity Sold Unit Price Total Sales Product A 30 $10 $300 Product B 20 $15 $300 Product C 15 $20 $300 3. Attendance Data Table Maintain an attendance record for employees or students. Name Date Status John Doe 2023-10-01 Present Jane Smith 2023-10-01 Absent Emily Johnson 2023-10-01 Present 4. Payroll Data Table Create a payroll table to manage employees’ salaries. Employee Name Position Monthly Salary Annual Salary John Doe Manager $4,000 $48,000 Jane Smith Developer $3,500 $42,000 Emily Johnson Designer $3,000 $36,000 5. Budget Data Table Track your budget expenditures and income. Category Budgeted Amount Actual Amount Difference Rent $1,000 $1,000 $0 Utilities $200 $250 -$50 Groceries $300 $280 $20 6. Reports Data Table Compile various reports to analyze data trends. Report Type Period Generated By Sales Report Q1 2023 John Doe Attendance Report September 2023 Jane Smith Payroll Report October 2023 Emily Johnson 7. Timetable Data Table Set a timetable for classes or meetings. Day Time Class/Meeting Instructor Monday 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Math 101 Mr. Smith Tuesday 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM History 201 Ms. Johnson Wednesday 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Science 301 Dr. Brown 8. Sales Report Creation Create a report summarizing sales metrics over a specified period. Month Total Sales Number of Transactions Average Sale Value January $10,000 200 $50 February $12,000 220 $54.55 March $15,000 250 $60 9. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Data Entry Maintain customer records for effective relationship management. Customer Name Email Phone Status John Doe john@example.com (123) 456-7890 Active Jane Smith jane@example.com (098) 765-4321 Inactive Emily Johnson emily@example.com (555) 123-4567 Active 10. Marketing Campaign Planning Plan and track marketing campaigns with relevant metrics. Campaign Name Start Date End Date Budget Status Spring Sale 2023-03-01 2023-03-31 $5,000 Completed Summer Promo 2023-06-01 2023-06-30 $7,000 Ongoing Fall Launch 2023-09-01 2023-09-30 $10,000 Upcoming 11. Lead Generation and Qualification Track leads and their qualification status for sales follow-up. Lead Name Email Qualification Status Follow-Up Date John Doe john@example.com Qualified 2023-11-01 Jane Smith jane@example.com Unqualified N/A Emily Johnson emily@example.com Qualified 2023-11-03 12. Sales Pipeline Management Manage and track sales opportunities through the pipeline stages. Opportunity Name Stage Value Close Date Deal with ABC Corp Negotiation $20,000 2023-12-15 Project with XYZ Ltd Proposal Sent $15,000 2023-11-01 Contract with LMN Inc Closed Won $25,000 2023-10-15 13. Invoice Creation and Processing Create and process invoices for billing customers. Invoice Number Customer Name Amount Status INV-001 ABC Corp $1,500 Paid INV-002 XYZ Ltd $3,000 Pending INV-003 LMN Inc $2,200 Paid 14. Accounts Payable and Receivable Management Track accounts payable and receivable to manage cash flow. Account Amount Due Date Status Accounts Payable $5,000 2023-11-15 Pending Accounts Receivable $10,000 2023-10-30 Due 15. Payroll Processing Manage payroll processing for employees. Employee Name Pay Period Gross Pay Net Pay John Doe October 2023 $4,000 $3,200 Jane Smith October 2023 $3,500 $2,800 Emily Johnson October 2023 $3,000 $2,400 16. Financial Statement Preparation Prepare financial statements such as balance sheets and income statements. Statement Type Period Total Assets Total Liabilities Equity Balance Sheet 2023-09-30 $150,000 $80,000 $70,000 Income Statement Q3 2023 $50,000 $30,000 $20,000 17. Expense Reporting Track and report expenses incurred by employees. Employee Name Expense Type Amount Date John Doe Travel $300 2023-09-15 Jane Smith Meals $150 2023-09-20 Emily Johnson Supplies $75 2023-09-25 18. Employee Onboarding Manage the onboarding process for new employees. Employee Name Start Date Position Status John Doe 2023-10-01 Manager Completed Jane Smith 2023-10-15 Developer In Progress Emily Johnson 2023-10-20 Designer Upcoming 19. Performance Reviews Track performance reviews of employees. Employee Name Review Period Rating Comments John Doe 2023-09 4.5 Excellent performance Jane Smith 2023-09 4.0 Good team player Emily Johnson 2023-09 4.2 Creative solutions 20. Employee Training and Development Manage training programs for employee skill development. Employee Name Training Program Completion Date Status John Doe Leadership Training 2023-10-05 Completed Jane Smith Software Development 2023-11-10 Upcoming Emily Johnson Design Thinking 2023-10-20 Ongoing 21. Recruitment and Hiring Track recruitment process and candidate status. Candidate Name Position Applied For Status Interview Date John Smith Software Engineer Interview Scheduled 2023-10-15 Jane Doe Product Manager Offer Extended 2023-10-12 Emily Davis Designer Rejected N/A 22. Time and Attendance Tracking Track employee hours and attendance. Employee Name Date Hours Worked Status John Doe 2023-10-01 8 Present Jane Smith 2023-10-01 0 Absent Emily Johnson 2023-10-01 8 Present 23. Document Management Track documents and their statuses within the organization. Document Name Type Owner Status Project Proposal Proposal John Doe Approved Budget Report Report Jane Smith In Review Employee Handbook Policy Emily Johnson Published 24. Office Supplies Management Track office supply inventory and orders. Item Quantity Reorder Level Status Printer Paper 200 100 In Stock Staplers 15 10 In Stock Pens 50 20 Reorder 25. Meeting Scheduling and Coordination Schedule and coordinate meetings with participants. Meeting Title Date Time Participants Project Kickoff 2023-10-05 10:00 AM Team A Monthly Review 2023-10-20 2:00 PM Management Client Call 2023-10-15 1:00 PM Client and Sales 26. Travel Arrangements Manage travel arrangements for employees. Employee Name Destination Departure Date Return Date John Doe New York 2023-11-01 2023-11-05 Jane Smith Chicago 2023-11-10 2023-11-12 Emily Johnson San Francisco 2023-11-15 2023-11-20 27. IT Support Track IT support requests and their resolution status. Request ID Employee Name Issue Description Status IT-001 John Doe Computer not starting Resolved IT-002 Jane Smith Software installation Pending IT-003 Emily Johnson Network issue Resolved 28. Data Entry and Data Cleanup Perform data entry and cleanup tasks to maintain database integrity. Task Description Assigned To Status Data Entry Input customer data into CRM John Doe Completed Data Cleanup Remove duplicates from the customer list Jane Smith In Progress Data Verification Verify accuracy of entered data Emily Johnson Pending
How to Learn Modals – Parmar Classes Modals सीखने के तरीके Modals वे शब्द हैं जो वाक्य में मुख्य क्रिया के साथ मिलकर उसकी शक्ति, क्षमता, संभावना, अनुमति या अनिवार्यता को प्रकट करते हैं। यहां हम Modals “must, need, dare, should, want” को सीखने के लिए सरल स्टेप्स देंगे और हर Modal के लिए 15 उदाहरण शामिल करेंगे। 5. Must (जरूरी होना) Must का उपयोग अनिवार्यता या अत्यधिक संभावना को व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है। Step 1: Must का उपयोग कैसे करें? Must का उपयोग किसी कार्य को करने की अत्यधिक आवश्यकता या मजबूरी दर्शाने के लिए किया जाता है। Step 2: 15 उदाहरण तुम्हें अपना होमवर्क पूरा करना ही होगा। (You must complete your homework.) वह परीक्षा पास करनी ही होगी। (He must pass the exam.) तुम्हें समय पर पहुँचना ही होगा। (You must arrive on time.) हमें यह रिपोर्ट तैयार करनी होगी। (We must prepare this report.) उसे यह समझना ही होगा। (He must understand this.) हमें तुरंत जाना होगा। (We must leave immediately.) तुम्हें डॉक्टर को दिखाना ही होगा। (You must see a doctor.) तुम्हें यह किताब पढ़नी चाहिए। (You must read this book.) हमें इसे खत्म करना होगा। (We must finish this.) वहां जाना जरूरी है। (It must be important to go there.) तुम्हें सच बोलना चाहिए। (You must tell the truth.) तुम्हें उसे फोन करना चाहिए। (You must call him.) हमें इस काम को करना चाहिए। (We must do this work.) तुम्हें अभी जाना चाहिए। (You must go now.) तुम्हें वह पत्र लिखना चाहिए। (You must write that letter.) 6. Need (जरूरत होना) Need का उपयोग आवश्यकता को व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है। Step 1: Need का उपयोग कैसे करें? Need का उपयोग किसी चीज की आवश्यकता या अनिवार्यता को दिखाने के लिए होता है। Step 2: 15 उदाहरण तुम्हें आराम की जरूरत है। (You need to rest.) मुझे तुम्हारी मदद की जरूरत है। (I need your help.) उसे समय की जरूरत है। (He needs time.) हमें कुछ खाना चाहिए। (We need to eat something.) तुम्हें यह किताब पढ़नी चाहिए। (You need to read this book.) तुम्हें अपनी कार ठीक करनी चाहिए। (You need to repair your car.) हमें इस परियोजना पर काम करना चाहिए। (We need to work on this project.) तुम्हें और अभ्यास की जरूरत है। (You need more practice.) मुझे पानी चाहिए। (I need water.) हमें और जानकारी की जरूरत है। (We need more information.) तुम्हें जल्दी घर जाना चाहिए। (You need to go home early.) तुम्हें उसे समझना होगा। (You need to understand him.) मुझे जवाब की जरूरत है। (I need an answer.) हमें अभी इसे करना चाहिए। (We need to do this now.) तुम्हें डॉक्टर को दिखाना चाहिए। (You need to see a doctor.) 7. Dare (साहस होना) Dare का उपयोग साहस या चुनौती के भाव को व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है। Step 1: Dare का उपयोग कैसे करें? Dare का उपयोग किसी चीज़ को करने की हिम्मत या चुनौती दिखाने के लिए किया जाता है। Step 2: 15 उदाहरण क्या तुम इस काम को करने की हिम्मत रखते हो? (Do you dare to do this work?) मैंने उसे चैलेंज किया, लेकिन उसने किया नहीं। (I dared him, but he didn’t do it.) तुम उसे मना कर सकते हो? (Do you dare refuse him?) उसने मेरी चुनौती को स्वीकार किया। (He dared to accept my challenge.) तुम ऐसा करने की हिम्मत कैसे कर सकते हो? (How dare you do this?) मैंने उसे बोलने की चुनौती दी। (I dared him to speak.) क्या तुम मुझसे लड़ने की हिम्मत रखते हो? (Do you dare fight me?) तुम उसे रोकने की हिम्मत रखते हो? (Do you dare stop him?) मैं उसे चुनौती देने की हिम्मत नहीं करता। (I don’t dare challenge him.) क्या तुमने कभी इसे करने की हिम्मत की? (Have you ever dared to do this?) क्या तुम उसे हरा सकते हो? (Do you dare beat him?) क्या तुमने उसे चुनौती दी? (Did you dare him?) उसने मुझसे सामना करने की हिम्मत की। (He dared to face me.) क्या तुम इसे करने की हिम्मत रखते हो? (Do you dare do this?) क्या उसने उस खतरनाक काम को करने की हिम्मत की? (Did he dare do that dangerous work?) 8. Should (चाहिए) Should का उपयोग सलाह या जिम्मेदारी के लिए किया जाता है। Step 1: Should का उपयोग कैसे करें? Should का उपयोग सलाह देने या किसी कार्य की आवश्यकता दिखाने के लिए किया जाता है। Step 2: 15 उदाहरण तुम्हें स्कूल समय पर जाना चाहिए। (You should go to school on time.) उसे अपनी किताबें पढ़नी चाहिए। (He should read his books.) तुम्हें डॉक्टर को दिखाना चाहिए। (You should see a doctor.) हमें जल्दी घर जाना चाहिए। (We should go home early.) तुम्हें उसे माफ कर देना चाहिए। (You should forgive him.) तुम्हें अपने माता-पिता की सुननी चाहिए। (You should listen to your parents.) हमें स्कूल जाना चाहिए। (We should go to school.) तुम्हें समय पर सोना चाहिए। (You should sleep on time.) वह उसे मना नहीं करना चाहिए। (He should not refuse her.) तुम्हें अपनी पढ़ाई पर ध्यान देना चाहिए। (You should focus on your studies.) हमें मेहनत करनी चाहिए। (We should work hard.) तुम्हें ईमानदार होना चाहिए। (You should be honest.) उसे सच बताना चाहिए। (He should tell the truth.) तुम्हें यह काम करना चाहिए। (You should do this work.) हमें अपनी योजना बनानी चाहिए। (We should make our plan.) 9. Want (चाहना) Want का उपयोग इच्छाओं या आवश्यकताओं को व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है। Step 1: Want का उपयोग कैसे करें? Want का उपयोग किसी चीज़ की इच्छा या आवश्यकता को दिखाने के लिए किया जाता है। Step 2: 15 उदाहरण मैं एक नया फोन चाहता हूँ। (I want a new phone.) वह छुट्टी लेना चाहता है। (He wants to take a vacation.) तुम्हें क्या चाहिए? (What do you want?) वे पिज्जा खाना चाहते हैं। (They want to eat pizza.) हमें एक नई कार चाहिए। (We want a new car.) क्या तुम एक किताब चाहते हो? (Do you want a book?) मैं आज फिल्म देखना चाहता हूँ। (I want to
Present Simple Tense Test – Parmar Classes Present Simple Tense Test Instructions: Answer the following 35 questions by filling in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in the Present Simple tense. You can submit the test at any time to see your result based on the questions you’ve attempted. Example: Sentence: “He (play) football every Sunday.” Correct Answer: **plays** Complete Sentence: “He plays football every Sunday.” 1. I (go) to school every day. 2. She (read) a book in the evening. 3. They (watch) TV every night. 4. He (play) basketball on weekends. 5. We (study) English on Mondays. 6. You (like) ice cream, don’t you? 7. The sun (rise) in the east. 8. He (work) at a bank. 9. My parents (live) in London. 10. She (not/eat) meat. 11. Water (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius. 12. John (not/play) the piano. 13. They (visit) their grandparents every Sunday. 14. She (love) to dance. 15. I (not/like) cold weather. 16. The train (leave) at 8:00 a.m. every day. 17. He (teach) mathematics at the local school. 18. My friends (come) to my house every weekend. 19. The shop (open) at 9:00 a.m. every morning. 20. We (not/go) to the cinema often. 21. He (not/drink) coffee. 22. The baby (cry) when she is hungry. 23. She (write) letters to her family every month. 24. He (drive) to work every day. 25. We (not/speak) French. 26. The dog (bark) when it sees strangers. 27. They (play) football every weekend. 28. The flowers (bloom) in spring. 29. My father (fix) cars for a living. 30. She (run) in the park every morning. 31. He (not/swim) in the pool every day. 32. Birds (sing) in the morning. 33. The bus (arrive) at the station at 5:00 p.m. 34. You (call) your mother every day, don’t you? 35. It (rain) a lot in the spring. Submit Your Result:
Hindi Sentences हिन्दी वाक्य मैं खाना खाता हूँ। वह स्कूल नहीं जाता है। क्या आप गाना गाते हैं? क्या वह किताब नहीं पढ़ती है? तुम कहाँ रहते हो? हम कब सोते हैं? वे क्या खेलते हैं? मैं कहाँ जाता हूँ? क्या आप मुझे मदद करते हैं? क्या वे स्कूल नहीं जाते हैं? वे किस भाषा बोलते हैं? क्या आप मुझे पानी देते हैं? मैं कहाँ काम करता हूँ? क्या आप मुझे किताब देते हैं? वे कब खाना खाते हैं? क्या आप मुझे पेन देते हैं? मैं क्या करता हूँ? क्या आप मुझे चॉकलेट देते हैं? वे किस देश रहते हैं? क्या आप मुझे पेंसिल देते हैं? मैं क्या देखता हूँ? क्या आप मुझे पुस्तक देते हैं? वे कब सोते हैं? क्या आप मुझे फल देते हैं?
Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous
Present Continuous Tense Test – Parmar Classes Present Continuous Tense Test Instructions: Answer the following 35 questions by filling in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in the Present Continuous tense. You can submit the test at any time to see your result based on the questions you’ve attempted. Example: Sentence: “She (read) a book.” Correct Answer: **is reading** Complete Sentence: “She is reading a book.” 1. I (work) on my project right now. 2. They (play) in the park at the moment. 3. She (study) for her exams these days. 4. The baby (sleep) peacefully. 5. John (watch) a movie with his friends. 6. We (travel) to London this week. 7. He (not/eat) dinner right now. 8. They (build) a new house next door. 9. The teacher (explain) the lesson. 10. I (wait) for the bus at the moment. Submit Your Result:
Present Simple Sentences Present Simple Hindi Sentences
Modal Verbs Test Modal Verbs Test 1. You ___ go to the party if you want. (can/could/must) 2. She ___ speak three languages fluently. (can/could/might) 3. We ___ see a movie later. (may/might/can) 4. He ___ be at home, but I’m not sure. (may/must/should) 5. You ___ finish your homework before going out. (must/should/can) 6. I ___ help you with that. (could/may/must) 7. They ___ be at the meeting right now. (must/may/can) 8. You ___ try this new restaurant. (should/might/must) 9. She ___ go to the gym tomorrow. (can/might/must) 10. We ___ take a break now. (could/must/should) 11. He ___ finish the project by Friday. (should/can/might) 12. You ___ have seen her at the party. (must/could/might) 13. They ___ not know the answer. (might/can/must) 14. I ___ go for a run later if it stops raining. (might/could/must) 15. You ___ always ask for help. (can/may/should) 16. She ___ be the one who called. (may/must/could) 17. We ___ visit the museum this weekend. (might/may/must) 18. He ___ have taken your book. (could/must/should) 19. You ___ wear a jacket; it’s cold outside. (should/might/can) 20. They ___ arrive anytime now. (could/may/must) 21. I ___ finish my report before the deadline. (can/might/should) 22. You ___ be careful with that. (must/can/may) 23. She ___ want to join us later. (might/must/could) 24. We ___ take the bus instead of walking. (may/could/should) 25. He ___ have left his phone at home. (must/could/might) 26. You ___ go to the doctor if you feel sick. (should/may/must) 27. I ___ be able to help you tomorrow. (might/could/can) 28. They ___ need assistance with the project. (may/must/can) 29. She ___ have forgotten about the meeting. (must/could/might) 30. We ___ take a break if we’re tired. (should/might/can) 31. He ___ go to the party, but he is busy. (might/can/must) 32. You ___ see the doctor for your check-up. (should/can/might) 33. They ___ be watching TV right now. (must/could/might) 34. I ___ help you with your homework. (can/must/should) 35. You ___ be tired after that long trip. (must/could/should) 36. She ___ finish her degree next year. (may/can/might) 37. We ___ see a concert this weekend. (might/can/should) 38. He ___ have gone home already. (could/must/might) 39. You ___ take your umbrella; it might rain. (should/could/must) 40. They ___ be late for the meeting. (might/must/can) Submit